Data Driven Business

11 years ago
20 Captivating Marketing Statistics That Will Drive 2014

What can marketers expect in the new year?

Here’s a look at some predictions of what to expect and what to consider, based on an infographic from WebDAM:

—Marketing teams will spend $135 billion dollars on new digital marketing collateral in 2014.

—78% of CMOs think custom content is the future of marketing, and so “marketers will use dynamic content to deliver highly personalized experiences to the right audience at the right time,” according to WebDAM.

To find out more about what to expect in 2014, check out the following infographic:

Veronica Maria Jarski is a senior writer at MarketingProfs and the editor of the MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog. Reach her via veronicaj [at] marketingprofs [dot] com.
Originally published at

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