Data Driven Business

Sh*t Digital Analysts Say

By now you must know about the amazingly erudite and funny It became a book and a short-lived TV series with William Shatner.

It also spawned a rash of YouTube take offs from “Sh*t White Girls Say…to Black Girls” to “Sh*t Kids Say to their Moms.” Funny (and sometimes NSFW) stuff.

But I perceive a deficiency in the meme.

Surely, we must start to amass the all-important…Sh*t Digital Analysts Say

To wit:

Don’t call me a web analyst, man. That’s so limiting!
The questions are more important than the answers.
A test without a control group is like waiting for the girl to ask you out on a date.
It’s harder to teach statistics to a marketing person than marketing to a statistician.
It’s hard for marketing and PR people to understand Social Media if they are over 25.
More data is not necessarily good unless it’s Big Data.
Forget “interesting” and go for “useful”.
Averages are the tool of the Devil.
A poor craftsman blames his tools.
Always remember the other guy is asking, “So what?”
Show me a pie chart and I’ll show you a pink slip.
The numbers don’t matter – it’s the trends that count.
Always hire people smarter than yourself.
And, naturally: eMetrics is the place to meet the rock stars of digital analytics.

Your turn! #ShitAnalystsSay

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