Data Driven Business

11 years ago
Social, Mobile, Content – The Digital Marketing Trio Of 2013

2013 is on track to post one of the biggest growth spurts in digital marketing that we’ve ever seen. There are now more than one billion smartphone users around the world and social, mobile and content marketing have revolutionised the way that brands attract, engage with and convert fans into customers – and how consumers demand more in return.

For example, did you know that recent data shows that, in 2013, 36 percent of marketers have found a customer via Twitter, 43 percent using LinkedIn and more than half (52 percent) on Facebook?

Moreover, 70 percent of U.S. consumers are receptive to receiving offers on their mobile phones and blogs are 63 percent more likely to influence purchase decisions that magazines.

This infographic takes a closer look at the key digital marketing trio of social, mobile and content.

By Shea Bennett
Originally published at media bistro

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