Data Driven Business


What it takes to be data driven

Andreas and Peter went to Boston eMetrics 2014 to catch up with the newest Web Analytics trends and to meet and hear from some of the leading industry masterminds.   Read about what it takes to be data driven in their conference report and why you should always think about the business goals before...

The Best Response to ‘What’s Our Social Media ROI?’ #eMetrics

Ever get the question? "What’s our ROI on social media?" Now the forehead sweats come. You don’t have any dollar sign attached to an answer, so you’re screwed. Maybe not, according to Jeffrey Doak, vice...

Email Marketing Vs Social Media

Email Marketing and Social Media seem to always be going head to head these days.  I am here to argue that you shouldn’t look at the two as competing forces, but as partners for...

Infographic: How To Optimize Promoted Tweets for Best Engagement Rates!

Promoted Tweets are one of Twitter”s Advertising options to target to your audience, wherever they are on Twitter by paying for it. One of the biggest challenges that marketers & advertisers on Twitter face,...

Visual Content Marketing Strategy eBook

eBook: A Visual Content Marketing Strategy. Featuring advice from 10 top content marketing brands including: EMC Corporation, Cisco Systems, Tumblr, Microsoft and LinkedIn plus content marketing experts Pam Didner, Carla Johnson, Mark Schaefer, Lee...

Talking Shop with Blair Reeves

If you have spent any time on any of the digital measurement social media channels the past year or more you have surely seen the tweets and great content from Blair Reeves who blogs...

When Data Drives the News: A Look at Analytics Beyond the Page View

Below is a report on analytics and their role in the newsroom, one part of a continuing World Editors Forum blog series on the Trends in Newsrooms 2014 report. Read the other installments here: Part one, part...

5 Things Digital CMOs Do Better

If you’re a mid- or late-career marketer, chances are your job today is mostly unrecognizable from what you signed on for. Perhaps no other business function has changed as dramatically over the past decade....

The Definitive Guide to Predictive Analytics: 10 Real-World Use Cases [Infographic]

Predictive analytics can be a confusing topic for even the most experienced marketers. There are behavioral clusters, brand-based clusters, likelihood-to-buy algorithms, and many more predictive models. Luckily for us, our friends over BI Software...

How to Use Google Analytics Audience Data to Improve Your Marketing

Do you need to learn more about the Audience reports in Google Analytics? Do you want to know more about your website visitors? Understanding the demographics, behaviors and interests of your website visitors improves...

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