Data Driven Business

Industry News

10 Lessons from CMOs That Kick Ass [SLIDESHARE]

Being at the helm of a company’s marketing team is no easy job, but it’s especially challenging when your company is one of the biggest in the world. You need to be able to react to what’s going on around you as well as help steer your brand toward where the market is heading,...

Get Psyched: 15 Ways to Catapult Conversion by Getting in Your Prospect’s Head

Conversion is the word. “Conversion rate optimization,” CRO, is the common 3-word version. Would you prefer one less word to abbreviate? Try “conversion optimization.”  I ran that phrase in Google Trends to see if...

6 random social media tips to help improve your marketing today

When it comes to helping you out with Social Media, we often like to categorize things. For example, we’d write about the optimal timing of your posts, or how to come up with the best headlines,...

Avoid SEO Hype: Why Small Businesses Should Focus on Return on Investment

With the recent controversy surround guest blog posting, it is easy to be pulled into the controversy. As always, there are contradicting viewpoints on small business SEO and the guidance from Google is, well,...

Sustainable SEO Methods and Tools That Work in 2014 [INFOGRAPHIC]

It is getting harder to correctly rank in search engine because Google keeps changing the goal-posts, and now they have released the Google Hummingbird update the search engine is supposed to evolve of its...

6 Misconceptions About Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is more important than ever in 2014.  If you want your business to succeed on Facebook this year, you’re going to have to start taking advertising seriously.  However, there are still some...

Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2014)

The short version: the above graphic is the latest incarnation of my marketing technology landscape supergraphic (click for a high-resolution 2600×1950 version, 4.7MB). It represents a whopping 947 different companies that provide software for...

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter with U.S. consumers, and Instagram is making strides, Pew says. But Facebook remains the most widely used social network among U.S. online adults by far. For the first...

Best of 2013

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of getting away. No matter how much you love your work, perspective comes from outside looking in, not inside looking out. Taking a week or two off to...

20 Captivating Marketing Statistics That Will Drive 2014

What can marketers expect in the new year? Here’s a look at some predictions of what to expect and what to consider, based on an infographic from WebDAM: —Marketing teams will spend $135 billion...

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